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Vacuum Degasser Pumps for Waters Brand HPLC and UPLC systems:

  • We provide original factory specification replacement vacuum pumps, Waters P/N 700001352, for many of the Waters brand HPLC degasser modules. These pumps most commonly fail after five years of service. Our prices are 50% less than the factory list price. Same part, better price.

    Replacement vacuum pumps for the integrated degassers found in the: Waters Alliance 2690, 2695, 2790, 2795, 1525, Acquity UPLC and nano Acquity as well as the standalone Waters Inline Degasser-AF.

    We also offer a complete upgrade kit with improved low volume vacuum chambers (Teflon AF), higher performance vacuum pump and controller for installation in the tray area used in the Waters Alliance system.

  • Please give us a call or send a detailed email to discuss your needs and we can forward you a formal quotation.

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Chiralizer™ Services, LLC,   USA

Email:  Sales@HPLCTOOLS.com

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